Peru Divide Summary ... and we're off!
Trying to Convince Andrew

August 8 & 9, 2017

We’re now firmly planted in glorious paved roads and enjoying covering some distance.

What happened…

Amanda writes: In the morning as we were preparing to leave Izcuchaca there was a landslide on the highway just beside the town. It was clearly something that was happening regularly and often as no one seemed surprised. They immediately closed the road to all traffic which made for a great day with next to no cars. The route follows the river and it was paved. It was so great over the two days to cover so much mileage. That sense of accomplishment is something we haven’t experienced in a long time. While the scenery wasn’t as drastic and magnificent as our recent travels; it was still beautiful.

At one point we were going around a corner where the river runs over the road (not uncommon in Peru). The water must pool near the edge of the road because it was super slimy and my bike just came right out from under me. Again I went down and my natural reaction was to try and plant my foot. Of course it had to happen on the same side as my ankle, but what was almost worse was Andrew was right behind me and did the same thing. So there we are both lying on the road with our bikes beside us. The good thing was we didn’t fall into the river. We both jumped up checking to see if we were both okay. I think adrenaline had us being grateful we didn’t end up in the river and we didn’t feel any worse for the incident. Later we did feel a bit sore but still glad we were fine. The worst of it was my coffee mug which sits on my handle bars went flying into the river, never to be seen again. I’ve had that mug for 3 years! Oh well, time for something new.

The aerial view of our rides:

Today’s Photographs

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Peru Divide Summary ... and we're off!
Trying to Convince Andrew