February 8-11, 2019

What happened…


Amanda writes: Feb 8 glacier – Refugio Rio Cisnes

Frustrating start to day with missing free glacier entry by literally 10 steps. Did short hike anyway for 5000pp and then cycled. First 20k undulating hills and then 500 meter climb over 5k? Road was good ripio and just like climbing Fromme. Lots of rain. Then big descent. At intersection loads of cyclists having hot chocolate from roadside vendor. Pavement starts here. Then undulating hills with more downhill and more rain. Tired and hungry. Got a cabin for 10,000 pp instead of camping for 7000 pp. Hot showers, place to do dishes, toilets. Good spot.

Feb 9 Rio Cisnes Refugio – Started quite late after pack up and chatting with other cyclsts. In total met 10 other cyclists in last 24 hours. Japan, Ireland, Brasil, New Zealand, German, English and Argentinian. Everyone going South. We all knew we would have tail wind. By the end of the day saw most of them again. Nice day of mostly downhill and tailwind.

Andrew writes:text

The aerial view of our ride:

Today’s Flickr Photographs

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Cycling Stats

February 8, 2019
Start Point: Ventis Quero Colgante, Chile
Destination: Refugio Rio Cisnes, Chile
62.51 km trip, 11.13 km/h average speed, 55.07 km/h maximum speed, 5:37 time on the bike

February 9, 2019
Start Point: Refugio Rio Cisnes, Chile
Destination: Villa Mañuhuales, Chile
67.99 km trip, 16.62 km/h average speed, 56.01 km/h maximum speed, 4:05 time on the bike

February 10, 2019
Start Point: Villa Mañuhuales, Chile
Destination: Coyhaique, Chile
93.99 km trip, 13.59 km/h average speed, 49.90 km/h maximum speed, 6:55 time on the bike

Route Description:

February 8, 2019 First 20k undulating hills and then 500 meter climb over 5k. Road was good ripio and just a steep climb. At intersection road turns to pavement.

February 9, 2019 Nice day of mostly downhill.

February 10, 2019 We chose the paved route instead of highway 7 as 7 is ripio. Nice undulating hills all day and then near the big town a steep climb with a tunnel. Then construction into town on gravel roads.


February 8, 2019 Stayed at Refugio Rio Cisnes where you can camp for 7,000 per person per night. We got a cabin for 10,000 pp instead of camping. Hot showers, place to do dishes, toilets. Good spot.

February 9, 2019 Stayed at campground at edge of town for 4,000 per person with hot showers.

February 10, 2019 Lots of hotels and campgrounds and we stayed at AirBnB.