My friends and family will probably say otherwise, but I think I’m pretty stoic when it comes to being vocal about my injuries. I’ve really been struggling with riding in general for a few months now, ever since Amanda and I rode to Seattle (100 miles in a single day). I did something to my knee on that ride and don’t think I have ever recovered. I had a few massage appointments, tried to stay off my bike etc.. But nevertheless, all of the climbing this past week has really taken its toll mentally and physically. Its weird because the pain i was having before i started this ride has subsided and been replaced with new pain in both knees instead of one. I’m going to try and make some changes before tomorrow’s ride and see if that makes any difference.
So today, lets see…nice downhill from the campground for about 30km. Had a nice 10 minute chat with some American cyclists who are hedging to Vancouver. It was a great start to the day actually.

1..2..3..lets ride bikes!

Cool temps and flat to downhill terrain – at least to start.

Super friendly ‘Murican cycle tourist. He was way ahead of his friends and stopped to chat.

Lots of cool tattoos. What’s that up your sleeve?

“Love, music, wine & revolution”

Greg, Sarah, Sasha and someone. Couldn’t find their blog, although I know they said they had one.

Biking bums biking off into the distance.
I’d say that it started to go off the rails near Savona. There were some really long climbs both before, and after that, given the heat, just became really unpleasant. Water wasn’t an issue but staying hydrated seemed to be.

Amanda mentioned she didn’t think the terrain was very beautiful. I think there is beauty all around us. What better way to enjoy it than on a bike.

We never got to see what Heaven looks like.

This is how I felt today. Burnt-out.

Kamloops Lake near Savona.

She’s always all smiles when we ride.
We found a nice alternate route into Kamloops which parallel the highway, except the GPS gave me horrible directions to our Warmshowers host. It sent us 300m up a super steep road, loaded with traffic, and then sent us back down the other side. Turns out there was a much less climby route we could have taken.

Taking a lunch break.

Soaking it all in.

Eating lunch with Amanda, enjoying the views.

Eating lunch overlooking Kamloops Lake.

Climbing Pacific Way in Kamloops.
Linda and Bryan our hosts are pretty rad. Gave us the run of the kitchen and bathroom, super comfy grass to pitch our tent and there was even some fresh tomatoes for our dinner. Linda helped map out our ride for tomorrow which should be a pleasant 60km ride to Monte Lake.

Brian doesn’t ride bikes except for once a year on his big hunting trip with his friends. They ATV up as high as they can go, ride their bikes up to camp and then strap their meat to the bike to help them get down at the end of the trip.
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