Archive for South America - page 10

Peru Divide Part 1 Day 2: Tickled Pink in Ticllos

Peru Divide Part 1 Day 2: Tickled Pink in Ticllos

July 4, 2017 Today was a nice short ride to hook up again with Philip and Nici.

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Peru Divide Part 1 Day 1: Not Too Far

Peru Divide Part 1 Day 1: Not Too Far

July 3, 2017 The ‘Great Divide’ route through the Peruvian Cordillera allows bikers to pedal through an incredibly varied mountain landscape from grassy plateau to the blue-green waterfalls of the Cañete valley, passing everything from immense slabs of folded rock and giant glaciated peaks in…

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Puya Raimondi Huayhuash Loop Day 6

Puya Raimondi Huayhuash Loop Day 6

July 2, 2017 After taking a day off to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday we headed out on some more glorious paved roads.

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It snowed – yahoo!  Puya Raimondi Huayhuash Loop Day 5

It snowed – yahoo! Puya Raimondi Huayhuash Loop Day 5

June 30, 2017 We woke up to snow on the ground and Nici with a fever, so Andrew and I headed out leaving both Nici and Philip behind.

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Puya Raimondi Huayhuash Loop Day 4

Puya Raimondi Huayhuash Loop Day 4

June 29, 2017 After a nice hike up to the glacier, we enjoyed a small ride to our next camping spot.

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