Lets Ride Bikes! We want to share with you our passion for cycling. - page 32

Goin’ Flat

Goin’ Flat

June 22, 2016 What do you do when you get a flat tire, and all of your spare tubes have holes in them? Cry a little, die a little on the inside.

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Crocodiles and Butterflies

Crocodiles and Butterflies

June 21, 2016 Hugging the coastline sends us up and down on a roller coaster, but we finish up at an all-inclusive hotel!

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Welcome to the Jungle!

Welcome to the Jungle!

June 20, 2016 Rubbing shoulders with cars and trucks on the busy Pan-American highway for most of the day left us a little frazzled.

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Bustin’ it to Bagaces

Bustin’ it to Bagaces

June 19, 2016 A pretty ho-hum ride along the auto-pista through a couple of towns ending in a hostel behind a pizza joint.

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Costa Rica: Country #9!

Costa Rica: Country #9!

June 18, 2016 A peloton of six left Granada this morning, but by the end of a long day only two tired cyclists remained; and they were in Costa Rica!

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