Lets Ride Bikes! We want to share with you our passion for cycling. - page 33

Decisions, Decisions

Decisions, Decisions

June 16 & 17, 2016 We take a rest day, and meet even MORE British cyclists, then we make a big decision.

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Lava Lovers

Lava Lovers

June 15, 2016 We leave behind the roughness of yesterday and a wild and exciting day of volcano’ing and playing tourist.

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Bustin’ up the Monotony

Bustin’ up the Monotony

June 14, 2016 Today was one of those days that we need to have from time to time, just to break up the “monotony” of life..you know, the kind where you travel around the world and see something new all the time, and experience such…

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Bangers and Mash

Bangers and Mash

June 13, 2016 Forrest Gump and Jenny were like peas and carrots…and letsridebikes.ca + Liz/Ali = what exactly?

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June 12, 2016 Announcing that they live to serve, the firefighters (bomberos) come to the rescue.

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