Lets Ride Bikes! We want to share with you our passion for cycling. - page 34



June 11, 2016 Possibly the first time in our history that we have cycled in three countries in one day.

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June 10, 2016 Not short for terrible, although it was that kind of day in some regards. Terremoto is Spanish for earthquake, which hit pretty hard in the night.

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Straight as an Arrow

Straight as an Arrow

June 9, 2016 Annoyance leads to bickering, bickering leads to anger, anger leads to rage, rage leads to…spicy food?

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Our Everest

Our Everest

June 8, 2016 A ho-hum day on the bikes as the road was pretty straight, and so we spent time and energy thinking and planning other dreams.

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June 6,7, 2016 Despite the rain, we feed off the energy of another pair of cyclists and end up in a touristy surf-town.

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