Lets Ride Bikes! We want to share with you our passion for cycling. - page 82

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Leaving on a Jet Plane

April 10, 2015

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Off to Cuba

Off to Cuba

Off to Cuba! Amanda writes: I just wrote a big post about getting ready and due to internet challenges it is now gone. I’m frustrated and perhaps it is just preparing me for not having internet for the next two months. Cuba doesn’t have a…

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Two Weeks of Preparations

Two Weeks of Preparations

Two Weeks of Preparations Andrew writes: It’s like seeing a long-lost love, after many years, except in our case, it was many moons. When Amanda pulled our bicycles out of the shed at my Uncle’s house, a huge smile lit up my face. I immediately…

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Welcome back to Canada!

Welcome back to Canada!

Welcome Back To Canada Andrew writes: I’m not sure what the impetus is, but it feels like we are in a hurry to get back to Canada, and get onto our bicycles. We spent all day in the car, driving along the coast again, first…

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Driving to Canada North Along the Pacific Coast Highway

Driving to Canada North Along the Pacific Coast Highway

Pacific Coast Highway – Driving North Andrew writes: Word to the wise. If you find yourself in Valle, AZ, don’t get suckered in to the whole Flintstones thing. While it looks cool from the outside, I wasn’t that impressed with the breakfast we received there….

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