We were up, eaten and away before the first German tourists and their Winnebago showed up at our campsite. Amanda’s thoughtful planning ahead of making a super batch of pancakes while we were in Whistler continued to pay off.
Some solid climbing today, and the landscape was truly wonderful. Found some WiFi at a gas station outside Lillooet which allowed me to update our blog. Amanda thought we were spending too much time sitting and not enough pedalling, which all things considered was true. We had 102km to cover and we were burning daylight.

This is Amanda’s “lets ride bikes!!” pose. She’s ready and waiting!
Moar uphills. Probably the first 30km was all gradual uphill. We stopped for lunch and a cyclist from Portland going in the opposite direction advised that it was all downhill from here – which it mostly was. Wicked crosswind late in the afternoon meant that I took the lead and Amanda drafted.

A candid shot of Amanda riding.

Behind us, the road is like a ribbon, flapping in the wind.

Amanda keeps to the shoulder for the most part.

The road keeps stretching before us like a cat in the sun.

A selfie.

Big wheels keep on turning…

Amanda rides past the Pavillion Lime Mine.

Mining makes the rock look interesting.

When the bladder is empty, we have a real need to find water.

A pair of cycle tourists who started in Prince Rupert and were working their way south. Father and Son? We didn’t ask.

A good reminder that you don’t need the newest, lightest, most technologically advanced gear to ride your bike. Just get out there and ride mang!
By the time we got to the Hwy 99 Junction at Hat Creek Ranch we knew that we wouldn’t make it to Juniper Beach. Plus a woman we met while eating ice cream mentioned it was a big downhill from the Hwy into the campground itself.

Amanda tries out a real saddle. Quite a different feel than what we’ve been used to.
Instead we stopped in Cache Creek at the 85km mark. Another 85km or so tomorrow will see us into Kamloops where we will stay with a Warmshowers host.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad