Tag archive for bicycle around the world - page 50

Meet Lefty & Rex!

Meet Lefty & Rex!

January 23 – February 14, 2016 House sitting and animal sitting is something we’ve been doing now for almost a year. The arrangements work well for both our travel style and for the home owners. We look forward to further opportunities.

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Back “Home”

Back “Home”

January 21, 2016 Finishing up Hwy#61 and then heading south on Hwy15D, the main highway between Hermosillo and Guaymas. Just before Guaymas we take the turn for San Carlos and pedal “home”.

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January 20, 2016 Navigating out of Hermosillo was straight-forward, and we connected with SON Hwy#110 (?) on the outskirts of town. The road stays straight and flat forever; turning south on Hwy#61 near El Choloy. Again the road is flat, but it turns to shit…

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Into Hermosillo

Into Hermosillo

January 19, 2016 Rolling down Sonora Hwy#14 past the towns of Ures and El Organo right into Hermosillo. Hermosillo can be a bit confusing to navigate in but the main road (Hwy15D) is 3 lanes and every gave us our own lane.

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Gringo Tax

Gringo Tax

January 18, 2016 Finishing up on Hwy#17, we turn west on Hwy#14 at Montezuma which climbs up and over the Sierras and finishes with a wildly, beautiful descent into Mazocahui.

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