Andrew writes:
We had such an awesome night last night. We ate some great “Tex-Mex” food at the Indiana Cafe. I had a burrito and Amanda had an enchilada. They were “American” sized!

Afterwards we went to the cafe beneath our hotel for a nightcap. Amanda is starting to branch out from the beer / wines into trying some other drinks which I think is pretty cool. Somehow we still ended up in bed before midnight.

We woke up to the sound of the church bells ringing 9 o’clock. Then 10.
The plan for today was pretty straight-forward; relax! We had nowhere to go and nothing planned to do except for a cruise up/down the Seine later tonight. In the meantime, Amanda was going to shop and I was going to surf (the web).
After our crepe breakfast, we hopped on some bikes and rode to the train station. We were doing some reconnaissance on how to get the bikes to the aeroport on Monday. Mission accomplished. We did some exploring along the way.

Another space invader!

Riding around town in heels and a dress.

Next we rode to the Galleries Lafayette. We thought it was a giant shopping mall. It turned out it was just a giant department store.

So we quickly made tracks back to the hotel, had a kebab lunch and then went to a local cafe to resume surfing.
On the way to the cafe, we stopped to get a pedicure for our feet. Not just any pedicure, but a fish pedicure!

First – they was your legs and feet.
Then, you put your feet into the tank and the fish do all the work.

I really though the whole experience was quite cool. Amanda, I think will have trouble sleeping for a few nights.
After the pedicure, I went to the cafe and Amanda went for a bike ride by herself.

While she was gone it started raining quite heavily and, I will admit, I was worried for her safety. Nevertheless, she showed up only slightly damp just before she said she would.

We’re off to dinner soon, and then the cruise. I talked to Nawal today and she and Emmanuel will be taking the train to Paris tomorrow to meet us. I can’t wait!
Amanda writes:
Shopping was a bit disappointing but I wasn’t really in the mood anyway. After we returned to our neck of the woods I went for a bike ride while Andrew surfed. He cleared all his emails and checked in with colleagues at work. I’m not ready for that yet.
I rode back to Notre Dame and the left bank area. It was crazy busy. I suppose lots of people from France come to Paris for the weekend. This city has a great vibe. My time alone to shop in the stores and just chill out helped me to do just that after the fish foot pedicure. Not my cup of tea I will tell you that!

I was shopping in some stores along rue de Rivoli and the clouds opened. I saw the black cloud earlier so wasn’t that surprised. It poured for a good twenty minutes. Then I went back and hooked up with Andrew for dinner.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Paris, France