Meet Janet
Janet Brault is one of Andrew’s Aunts. She lives in Whitehorse, Yukon and has two kids and three grandkids. She has almost always lived in the North, and her perspective on life is always very unique and refreshing. Andrew always thought of JanBro (nickname) as the “cool” one in the family. She remains a generous, genuine person, and we are very fortunate to have her in our lives.
Meet Monica
Monica Prenty is Andrew’s other Aunt. She lives in New Westminster, BC and has two kids and a boatload of grandkids. Monica has always welcomed us into her home on an annual basis for the SuperBowl party that she and her partner Wayne host. She knits up a storm, and on two occasions knit a pair of Miami Dolphins slippers for Andrew. Just as we were setting out on our cycling trip she wrote a beautiful post on Facebook before we left. It reads:
“You’ve all heard the phrase ‘Living the Dream”… Well I’m here to introduce you to two people that I know and love, that will truly be Living the Dream. My nephew Andrew and his wife Amanda are leaving us soon, to embark on a trip of a life time. JB and I will miss you, but look forward to reading your blogs and seeing photos of all the places you travel through. To my friends, near and far… If you see a couple of bikers, sporting the Canadian flag, please ask if they are the famous couple from North Vancouver Canada, that was brave enough to live their dream. May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand – Traditional Gaelic Blessing”
Amanda writes:
As I reflect on our trip thus far I’m struck by our lucky we are to have support from Auntie Janet. I really don’t know that we would have been able to push through the Dempster Highway without her kind gift of a hotel room in Eagle Plains. Her timing was impeccable and just made what could have been a disastrous bump turnout to be a rest day. When Andrew and I first got the idea to come North we shared it with Janet and our Cousins Naomi and Vanessa and their enthusiasm was contagious. I don’t know that we would have done it without their encouragement. And they’ve been there every step of the way. From picking us up at the airport to a lovely dinner and beverages, they’ve just been so welcoming. I couldn’t imagine doing this trip without them. So then I got to thinking about the great friendship they’ve always given. They’re just so easy going, non judgmental and so welcoming. We’ve been on a road trip together and it was awesome. They have visited in Vancouver and we’ve had a blast. The support and family bond is so strong it’s magical.
And when I think about Janet it reminds me of Monica too. She has always been there when we’ve needed her. I think about the day Andrew and I got married. It was a pretty casual affair and when I needed someone to hold my bouquet, she was there. And always has been. Always a great host and just like Janet; 100% authentic.
That’s what I love about the Prenty’s. I’ve never met more genuine people. Sometimes not everyone knows how to take it, but they are awesome people. So whether they’re saying a memorable speech at their brother’s funeral, offering you their underwear, or holding your wedding bouquet; Prenty Aunts have made this trip amazing so far. And I while I’ve often wondered what Andrew’s Dad Mike would think about our journey, I’m pretty certain that he’s smiling down at his Sister’s right now.
So hear I am lying in bed on my second to last night in Whitehorse and I’m struck by the kindness and warm home I’m in. Jan Bro is sound asleep in the room beside me and there are four people sleeping in her home. Four individual people who have showed up for different reasons and from different places. She opens the door, makes you feel welcome and I’ve never met anyone like this before. She is such a special person and I hope that she reads this and is reminded of just how amazing she is.