Up at the crack of 8 today after an amazing sleep. Well, the parts that. I slept were amazing. There were a lot of parts where anxiety kept me awake every time to wind rustled or someone moved around outside. Always seems to be like that when I am camping.

Our first attempt at “stealth” camping.

Warming up with a coffee and the sun.

Glacier above Joffre Lakes.

Amanda, Lower Joffre Lake and the glacier.

Some berries we saw.
After breakfast we made quick work of the last 100m of the Mt. Currie hill, elevation 1300m. Technically the ride down to Lillooet, 60km away, elevation 200m should have been easy breezy right?

Rolling down the road.

Today was very scenic.

Picture opportunities around every corner.

Not sure which glacier this is.

Turns out it was uphill both ways. There were some really steep 14% download sections, but there also seemed to be a lot of grindy up hills; winding highway they called it. Still, we took more rest and food breaks and made the magic happen to reach our destination.

Lots of traffic today as people drove to their long weekend destinations.

Stopping for lunch beside the road.

Finished our first of several 10%+ downhills. The road was in bad shape so we had to be really on the ball.

A birds eye view…

A stretch of winding highway.
One of the highlights today was running into another cycle tourist who was heading south towards Pemberton. We exchanged info on what to expect as far as the road goes. Never got her name, but she was from The Basque Region, and her and her boyfriend had set out from New York 3 months ago. 6000km later they ran into us!
Other notables include standing around by Duffy Lake shooting the breeze with a nice couple who were travelling in a motor coach. There was also a sweet pair from White Rock who had found this awesome canoe painted like a Canadian flag and they were driving around canoeing. We talked to the, for about 20mins too. No rush to be anywhere is kinda cool.

Duffy Lake.

Posing for pictures at Duffy Lake.
So originally we had earmarked Cayoosh Creek Campground as the landing zone for today – except it cost $20 for a tent site. We’re on a budget yo! So we picked up some food and set out to find a good place to wild camp. Amanda and I each have different expectations in what we look for in a wild camp, but the one she picked out is really nice.

Cayoosh Creek Campground.

Cooking at our chosen “wild” camp outside Lillooet.

It is awesome only riding 3-4hrs every day, but still being out and about and it being in any rush, so that our day in the saddle ends up being 4-6hrs. I topped out at 67km/h today, and we averaged 18km/h over the 76km travelled.
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