Tuesday July 26, 2011
Palavas (suburban Montpellier) to Agde
71.7 km and counting
4:13 in the saddle
Amanda writes:
We finally have Wifi again so I have added some pictures and comments to a couple of the previous posted days.
We both wanted to be sure we got up not too late today. We were on the road by 9am after breakfast. The weather wasn’t too bad today, about 20 degrees and overcast. We had a little rain in the afternoon but nothing worth putting your jacket on for. Riding along the sea was nice but in some ways a bit boring. I wonder if we are adrenalin junkies because we both missed the climbs and descents.

I thought this was cool. This is what is left of a house.
Things in the South of France seem dirty to me. It’s more populated and less bike lanes. You can really tell that any resemblance of a bike lane here is not created by a cyclist. I suppose this area is much like our friends Nawal and Emmanuel said it would be.

Some wild pink flamingos along the canal.
Andrew was a bit frustrated with my leisurely pace. I just figured we didn’t have a place or time to be somewhere so I was just spinning. I did speed up to try and ease his frustration. Perhaps the fact that he seems to have the flu again is a contributing factor.

Now is my chance to say forget it all; we are not going back to Canada. We are so close!
In any event we found a campground and are set up. It has a pool and we went swimming which was nice. That was until Andrew got kicked out because he wasn’t wearing a Speedo. We’re going shopping!

Andrew going with security to check out the campsite.
All is great. Still enjoying the country and look forward to another day.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Agde, France