The soft grass of Linda and Brian’s backyard was ample enough for me to overlook that my sleeping pad had gone flat. Seems to be a regular occurrence of late.
Had coffee and swapped stories with Linda all morning. She even went so far as to drive Amanda down to the grocery store and back. This saved us about an hour of riding back up the hill. Linda was such an incidence hostess. I hope that bike karma pays her back in full one day.

Linda’s bike “Lisa”. Tones of rad stickers. My favourite was, “Every bad thing I do on my bike, I learned from cars”.

Linda and
It was an “easy day” of just 65km and no real hills to speak of. We didn’t end up leaving Linda’s until noon though. Time seemed to crawl for some reason. I guess I thought that we would have a quicker pace today. Amanda mentioned that she has been going to bed hungry (?) and that her energy level was low. I am reminded that we all have good days and bad days.

This stuff was dumped across from the entrance to the dump. Weird.
The Campbell Creek to Barnhartvale route that Linda helped us pick was amazing. We rolled through farmland the entire way, partly on a gravel road and partly on asphalt. There were hardly any cars. As the alternative was to take Hwy 1 out of Kamloops to the busy Hwy 97, I am really glad that we took this way.

Nice and flat valley trail along Campbell Creek Rd.

Winding along Barnhartvale Road.

Heading towards the dark storm ahead.

Rolling along Barnhartvale Road.
There were rolling thunderstorms overhead for a bit today so we did all of the things you aren’t supposed to do:
1) sat under a tree
2) sat near water
3) sat beside our steel / aluminum bikes.
I figured, what are the odds!?! Here I am, sitting in front of beautiful Monte Lake, writing to tell you about it.

Amanda reads while I write.
Tomorrow is our last day of riding – 77km to Vernon. We’re going to try and be on the road early I think.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad