Sunday July 31, 2011
Montesquieu-Volvestre, France to Toulouse, France
61.9 km
2:57 in the saddle
Amanda writes:
This day was a nice riding day but in some ways sad. It was our final day to hop on our two wheels and say to each other; Let’s ride bikes! It is my dream to be able to say that to each other almost every day.

On the grounds of the Chateau. Perhaps one of the original homes or a barn. I still think it is cool they just leave what’s left of the original structure instead of tearing it down.
As has been the case the last three weeks, there was more beautiful countryside. Some quieter riding than normal with simple reflection on what we have been enjoying. As we rode today I reflected on how great of a riding partner Andrew is. I am very lucky to have him as my partner and look forward to more trips.

Andrew having fun on some bicycle art in a traffic circle.

Let this be proof we tried to buy Andrew a speedo. The store was closed.

My very handsome husband Andrew; you rock!
We embark on a different flavor of our trip tomorrow which is also exciting. We have decided to head to Paris and rest our legs.
Andrew writes:
Stupid sun ruined my sleeping again today. I was very happy not to be hung over from the wedding. I guess dancing is a great remedy. We packed up our tent and walked over to the big house to say our goodbyes. Lots of people were pitching in to clean up which was nice to see. Amanda and zi bid fond farewells and then made tracks for Toulouse.

Merry go round in a traffic circle in Toulouse
Our pace today was awesome! 21km/h and because it is Sunday, the roads were empty. Why can’t it being like this back home? We still can’t figure out where everyone goes on the weekend with all of the stores being closed.

We finally washed all of the mud off our bikes, in preparation for our flight next week.
We checked back into the hotel and then I had a nap before updating the blog. Tomorrow morning, bright and early we are catching the train to Paris!
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Toulouse, France