When I read the message to Amanda, I think we both knew that cycling in France was something that had to be done. We’ve both become interested in Le Tour de France, and I was itching to ride some singletrack in the Alps. I had even considered racing in the “Mountain of Hell Bike Race” in Les 2 Alpes, which starts at the top of the mountain on a glacier, and ends 30km away in a field.
Then of course there were our friends we met through warmshowers.org, Emmanuel & Nawal, who stayed with us in Vancouver before setting out across Canada. Some emails were exchanged with them, and a route fleshed out. Hopefully we will get to ride bikes with them for a few days!
Our plan has slowly morphed into a cross-continent ride (North/South) from Amsterdam to Barcelona. While we may not end up cycling all of it, we hope to cycle most of it, creating new memories and meeting new people along the way!
Sunday July 31, 2011Montesquieu-Volvestre, France to Toulouse, France61.9 km2:57 in the saddle Amanda writes: This day was a nice riding day but in some ways sad. It was our final day to hop on our two wheels and say to each other; Let’s ride bikes!…
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Saturday July 30, 2011Kim and Vaughan’s Wedding Day18.2 km1:05 in the saddle Amanda writes: Today represented the reason/excuse for our trip to France. We camped at the Chateau where the wedding was being held. We woke up to gorgeous sun and road the few short…
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Friday July 29thToulouse to Montesquieu-Volestre62.24 km3:03 in the saddle Andrew writes: It is always nice to wake up in a warm, soft bed (I type as I lay in the tent). The hotel in Toulouse was quite nice. They allowed us to have a late…
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Thursday July 28Carcasonne to Toulouse 11.8 km58:30 in the saddle Amanda writes: Today we set out to ride over 100 km to Toulouse. The day would start with a big climb and then downhill all the way. We got up early because we knew it…
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Wednesday July 27, 2011Agde to Trebes (suburban Carcassone)109.5 km6:06 in the saddle Andrew writes: What a hellish start to the day today. There was a group of kids partying in the campground until 4am or so. Didn’t sleep very well as a result. Woke up…
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